Who else loves "The Witcher" Saga?
Well, in the books the story ends with a final battle where Geralt is on the brink of death, while Yennefer completely exhausts herself by overloading her healing powers.
The person responsible for ending the story here is Ciri: believing in the destiny that led them to be together, she is the one who helps the two to go to a kind of limbo - whose destination and location are unknown. This place is uncertain, which generates debate among readers.
Some interpret that the characters literally died, while others believe that the place is a universe between life and death.
And in this story created by me, the family remains very much alive, with many other moments of adventure and love between them.
Embark with me on this magical alternative future, where our dear Yennefer finally realizes her dream of having a child of her own, and meet little Lila, the newest member of the family.
I apologize in advance if there are any misspelled or meaningless words, as my native language is not English.
I hope you enjoy! ♡