1 year has passed since the events of Sonic x Lilac in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. Peace has been restored to Earth, Mobius, Avalice and Cybertron. But all of that ends when Unicron returns to destroy Mobius and Avalice, but this time, he's not just after the planets. He's after Sonic and Lilac. Scourge, Battletrap and Nightbird have also returned, but this time, they're more powerful than they were before with the help of a new servant of Unicron.
The Transformers arrive to save Mobius and Avalice and offer to help Lilac and Sonic save their worlds, only to discover that Earth, Cybertron, Avalice and Mobius are all linked. This is the final fight against Unicron and the Sonic Heroes, Freedom Planet Heroes, Autobots and Maximals are willing to risk and sacrifice anything to save their four homes, along with one friend all of whom know. Galaxia.
I do not own any of these characters except for Galaxia.
Sonic belongs to SEGA
Freedom Planet belongs to GalaxyTrail
And Transformers belongs to Hasbro Studios
OpenAI, the San Francisco-based startup that developed ChatGPT under Sam Altman, has introduced Sora Turbo, a quicker and more advanced version of Sora, the text-to-video artificial intelligence (AI) model that was first shown in February. OpenAI has created new user interfaces to facilitate prompting Sora Turbo using text, photos, and videos. Users may now create films with a maximum length of 20 seconds and a quality of 1080p. Using the "Remix" function, users may replace, delete, or reimagine components in their video. They can also select and isolate the best frames and stretch them in either direction to finish a scene using the "Re-cut" option.