In a world where power is everything, Kraven has carved a path of destruction, defeating legendary beasts and stealing their souls. But his ultimate test lies ahead: Isaac, the strongest of the Six Mystical Beasts. Revered by his previous master and sealed to protect the balance of life, Isaac harbors no respect for those unworthy of his loyalty.
When Kraven awakens the colossal dragon, the desert trembles under their clash. Isaac's flames turn the ground to molten lava, his roars shake the heavens, and his disdain for Kraven fuels his ferocity. Yet, Kraven is no ordinary warrior-driven by ambition, he's willing to risk everything to claim Isaac's soul and bend it to his will.
In this battle of wills, magic, and vengeance, the boundaries between conqueror and prey blur. As the strongest beast and the most ruthless warrior collide, the question remains: who will emerge as the true master?
To wield ultimate power, one must survive the ultimate battle.