Devaite follows Artemis Gray, a shy, innocent girl who is suddenly thrust into the chaotic world of Ridgeview Academy-a prestigious all-boys school known for its wild reputation. After her own high school shuts down for renovations, Artemis is placed in a special program where she must live in the school's hostel, surrounded by notorious boys and a few other girls.
At first, Artemis feels completely out of place. She is quiet, reserved, and prefers to stay under the radar, but her presence immediately draws attention. Among the rowdy crowd is Kai Hawksley, the ultimate bad boy-reckless, charming, and dangerous. When Kai takes a strange interest in her, the whispers and jealousy from others only intensify. The boys of Ridgeview, with their pranks and antics, seem to either pity or envy Artemis, and her peaceful life is turned upside down.
As she navigates her new life surrounded by mischief, unwanted attention, and the enigmatic Kai, Artemis begins to realize that surviving Ridgeview will be far more complicated than she ever expected. With every passing day, she must decide whether to keep her distance from the wild boys, or to face the challenges head-on, all while trying to maintain her own identity in a place that seems determined to change her.
Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she wonders - how is he involved in her brother's false conviction?
Henley Linden's brother is in jail for a crime he didn't commit, and she'll take any job to raise the money needed to free him. Soon, she's agreed to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for ten thousand dollars, so his mother will ease up the pressure on him to find a wife. But once Henley is enmeshed in Bennett's world, he falls for her, and she starts to have feelings for him as well. Despite her romance with Bennett, as she grows closer to the Calloways, Henley realizes they are somehow involved in her brother's conviction. Journeying deeper into a world of wealth and conspiracies, Henley is forced to rely on Bennett, though doing so could cost her everything.
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