It was summer time. There were parties, fights, beer, weed, swimming, fishing, and most importantly for this group surfing. Summer was when they were able to run free without getting into trouble, but that was because barely anyone paid attention to them. Simply because they were pouges. There was the twins John B and Piper Routledge, John B was older by three minutes. Then there was JJ, Piper and John B's best friend since the third grade. They were all each other had. Next is Pope, the brains of the group. He was there to always come up with the next bright idea. Then there was Kiara, also known as Kiki. At first the three boys and Piper weren't sure why she hung around beings she was technically a Kook. Kooks, the rich people. Nice big shiny houses on Figure Eight. The snobby parents and the kids that were watched like hawks to make sure they didn't mess up what they're parents had set for them in there future. Luckily on The Cut were the pouges lived they didn't have to always worry about being watched. But they did have to worry about having two jobs if not more just to make it by. Although it was difficult the group loved it. It was there home, there safe space, there peace. Little did they know life was about to get difficult for the group of teens when romance, adventures, and fighting gets more involved.
I do not own all characters in this story.
OBX fanfic.