Matt Erickson, a weathered former hero once known as the Red Ranger, spends his days haunted by failures-his inability to save Melody, his lost connection to the Power Coin, and his attempts to escape a reality fracturing into surreal, nightmarish echoes of the past. Drawn into a confrontation with his former mentor, Zordon, and the manipulative Rita Repulsa, Matt is offered a chance to rewrite history.
As reality crumbles, Matt embarks on a harrowing journey through portals of corrupted timelines and manufactured memories. He faces twisted reflections of himself, echoes of failed battles, and a ruthless nemesis who thrives on rewriting his tragedy. Armed with a rusted suit and unrelenting determination, Matt's only goal is to save Melody-a person who made him real in a world that insists they're only characters in a long-forgotten story.
But redemption comes with a cost, and the fight to break the cycle may destroy everything Matt has left, including himself. In a climactic showdown, he redefines what it means to be a hero, transforming his legacy from scripted defeat into something authentic.
Harry is grieving the loss of his soulmate, Louis. He just cant seem to get past the fact that he'll never see him again. Then his dreams start to feel a bit to real.