In a normal world, Komoto-a random person of Earth-finds himself unexpectedly isekaied to a realm filled with magic and danger. Trained in ancient arts and forged by countless battles, Komoto defeats the notorious Dark Lord, bringing peace to the war-torn lands. But just as the story seemed to reach its climax, a violent explosion throws him into the unknown.
Saved by a mysterious figure, Komoto is left with more questions than answers. With the dust settling, he dreams of a peaceful life, but fate has other plans. A new, even more terrifying threat looms on the horizon-the Demon Lord, a force of darkness unlike anything Komoto has ever faced.
Now, with no clear path forward, Komoto must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, uncover secrets about his own past, and gather the strength to face the rising threat. Can he finally live the life he's always wanted, or will the weight of his destiny pull him back into the chaos?
Lorenzo was kidnapped from his family at the early age of three
He has went through hell and back and still came out strong.
He lives his life with one rule;Don't love because it only gets you hurt
And he has followed this rule okay,with only having one best friend/brother
But he's rule got in trouble the day he found out he's foster parents are dead and he has a family
Is he gonna break he's rule for them?
Is he gonna trust them?
Is he gonna let them in?
See what happens in Lorenzo's story if you add humour, betrayal,secrets and he's brothers handsome best friend who he's hell bent on hating.
Read to find out...