Kaida Miller, raised in the close-knit town of Cedar Ridge, faces a pivotal moment in her life. Haunted by her father's abandonment during her childhood, she navigates her teenage years with a mix of heartache and dating her high school sweetheart, Matthew. Their plans for the future are shattered when Kaida learns of Matthew's acceptance to Ledgewood University in the middle of their second year of community college.
A chance internship at "Pulse Point," offered by one of Matthew's uncles, opens a new world for Kaida. As she dives into the art of storytelling, she discovers a deep passion for journalism and begins to explore her own identity. It's here that she meets Leo, a captivating editor who challenges her to confront her true self and inspires her to embrace her individuality.
As Kaida's connection with Leo deepens, she finds herself torn between the comforting familiarity of Matthew and the thrilling potential of a new romance. With each passing moment, Kaida must navigate the complexities of love, self-discovery, and the struggle to define who she really is. In a journey filled with emotional depth and soul-searching questions, Kaida stands at a crossroads where she must choose between the safety of her past and the exhilarating unknown that lies ahead.
Previously My Secondary School Life
Tega Oghenevero is set to go into high school, but her days of sunshine and rainbows are over, and the harsh reality of high school hits her the moment she steps foot.
Crushes develop, bullies take play, throw in betrayal and fake friends. And of course, that favorite Aunt of hers who waltzed into her life and shook her home.
Join Tega as she learns to find herself, learn values that would guide her forever, and battle the unexpected in this tale of hers.