In the vibrant coastal paradise of Goa, Jodha and Jalal's paths cross, igniting an undeniable attraction that transcends their contrasting worlds. Jodha, haunted by a troubled past, believes Jalal...a charming and ambitious man from Mumbai...deserves better than someone like her. Though she resides in Delhi, the brief moments they share linger in their hearts as they part ways, each feeling a void they can't quite name. As time passes, Jalal finds himself searching for Jodha, driven by a yearning he can't explain. However, the lack of information shrouds her in mystery, leaving him restless. Meanwhile, Jodha, too, feels a pull towards him, missing the connection they briefly shared. When Jodha decides to celebrate her birthday with friends in Mumbai, fate intervenes. A sudden accident brings her and Jalal together once more, but instead of a romantic reunion, it leaves her shaken and more guarded than before. With scars etched not only on her skin but also on her heart, she grapples with the complexities of their budding relationship. Will Jalal's unwavering determination and Jodha's courage allow them to confront their fears and embrace the love that destiny has intertwined for them? Amidst the backdrop of Indian traditions and the rich tapestry of their lives, they must navigate the journey from pain to passion, discovering that true love can heal even the deepest wounds.
In the future, everyone who's bitten by a zombie turns into one... until Diane doesn't. Seven days later, she's facing consequences she never imagined.
* * * * *
As civilization collapses under a relentless wave of zombies, Diane and her friends take shelter in a military base. However, while she's rescuing another survivor, Diane gets bitten by one of the monsters. She hides it and runs away, knowing she only has days left to live.
But she soon discovers she isn't turning into a zombie - she's turning into something else.
I looked up and stared. My reflection looked back at me in the mirror of the dark room. My eyes were literally glowing, there was no mistaking it. It was not a reflection of light, or any of the other excuses I had used or others had assumed. They were glowing a light sapphire blue color. It was not a bright glow, but it was definitely a glow.
Glowing eyes were not normal.
Okay, at this point I had to admit it, I was no longer normal.
What was I then? For that, I had no answer
[[Word count: 495,000]]
Copyright August 2016. All Rights Reserved. Readers may not copy, alter, or steal this story. Fanfictions are allowed to use my *world* and *zombie rules* as long as credit is given.
Cover was lovingly made by JimenaVivancoo.