The story follows three close college friends. Lee Min jeong, Kim Ji Hae, and Oh Ha na. Each facing personal challenges and transformative relationships. As they struggle to balance academic pressures, family expectations, and the weight of past traumas, the trio finds comfort in each other and their growing circle of friends.
Minjeong, a warm-hearted yet determined young woman, pursues a complicated relationship with Baek Chae Woo, a reserved and introspective student who has isolated himself due to painful past experiences. Their budding friendship turns into mutual admiration, though they face ups and downs as they work to understand each other's emotional baggage.
Jihae, confident and passionate, dives into her love for music, where she finds unexpected connections with Kang Sung min, a talented but troubled artist grappling with family disapproval. Sungmin opens up to her about his struggles and the two bond over their shared feelings with their families, with Ji Hae's traumatic past playing a central role in their growing relationship.
Hana, the empathetic and spirited member of the trio, joins the International Business Club, where she meets Jasper Shin, a deeply thoughtful and wise young man working to redeem himself from a painful high school past. Their shared understanding of cultural identity and Jasper's outreach projects draw them closer, though Hana hesitates to reveal her growing feelings.
Through club activities, personal revelations, and family gatherings, the friends support one another, dealing with heartbreak, finding courage, and embracing their emerging adult identities. Their journeys intersect and evolve, highlighting the strength of friendship, healing, and love.
ABHIMANYU RATHORE :- Rude , workaholic CEO of Rathore Empire .Devilesing hot , every girls drools over him .But loves his family to dearest
SAKSHI OBEROI :- Sweet but fierce girl . Loves her family very much can do anything for them . Working in her brother's company as managing head and also a board member
What happens when their marriage get fixed by their families .. will they get love in this unwilling arranged marriage...