In the heart of Chooralmala, a quiet village nestled in the misty hills of Wayanad, Kerala, a devastating landslide uncovers secrets buried deep beneath the earth-secrets tied to a cursed artifact from a long-forgotten past. Annamma, a resilient woman with a mysterious family history, and Kochausepp, a reclusive elder who knows more than he lets on, find themselves drawn into a web of greed, betrayal, and supernatural forces.
As the villagers grapple with the devastation, Annamma unearths a ruby-studded cross linked to the tragic legacy of the Mathai family, a once-powerful dynasty whose betrayal poisoned the land. With the cross comes a deadly curse that threatens not just the village but everyone who seeks its power. A band of treasure hunters, driven by greed, descends upon Chooralmala, setting off a chain of events that forces Annamma to make impossible choices.
Fleeing through treacherous forests and facing the wrath of nature itself, Annamma must unravel the truth behind the cross, the landslide, and the eerie whispers that haunt the land. With Kochausepp as her unlikely ally, she discovers that the only way to break the curse is to confront the sins of the past-and risk everything to destroy the artifact.
But even as the cursed cross is cast into the earth's fiery core, a chilling revelation suggests that some forces cannot be silenced forever. As Annamma fights to rebuild her life, a new, more sinister threat begins to stir beneath the surface of Chooralmala, promising that the land's secrets are far from buried.
"Echoes of the Earth" is a gripping mystery thriller that weaves folklore, suspense, and human resilience into a tale of survival, sacrifice, and the haunting power of the past. Perfect for fans of atmospheric thrillers and stories of courage against supernatural odds.