Iwaizumi Hajime, a college basketball player, secretly dreams of becoming a ballet dancer but is forced into basketball due to societal expectations. He harbours resentment towards Tooru Oikawa, a confident and successful ballet dancer who seemingly lives the life Iwaizumi desires. Fate brings them together as college roommates, sparking an intense and emotional journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Despite initial hostility, Iwaizumi's disdain turns to admiration as he witnesses Oikawa's dedication to ballet. Oikawa, sensing Iwaizumi's hidden passion, encourages him to embrace it, leading to secret training sessions that deepen their bond. Meanwhile, Iwaizumi's friend Kentaro Kyotani and Oikawa's friend Shigeru Yahaba face their struggles but ultimately support their friends' journey.
Through late-night practices and emotional confrontations, Iwaizumi and Oikawa navigate their internal conflicts and societal pressures. Their relationship evolves from rivalry to romance, culminating in Iwaizumi's courageous decision to perform ballet publicly, challenging societal norms.
Simultaneously, Kyotani and Yahaba resolve their differences, finding support and love in each other. Together, the four friends defy expectations and discover the freedom to follow their true passions.