Max, a 5-year-old boy, living in a futuristic world where Earth is on the brink of war with Pluto. The city where Max lives is a blend of normalcy and growing tension, with drones flying overhead and military presence increasing. Max's everyday life is filled with games and toys, but there are signs of unease that even he can sense-his parents are worried about the escalating conflict.
Max's parents, though trying to shield him, acknowledge the war and the changes in society. While Max doesn't fully understand, he notices the shift from the everyday to something darker, as billboards and news reports begin to focus on recruitment and loyalty rather than entertainment and advertisements. The playgrounds are no longer just filled with children-there are soldiers standing guard.
One day, as Max plays outside, he is called back inside by his mother, who is more anxious than usual. The tension grows when military soldiers arrive at their apartment, delivering the shocking news that Max is being recruited to join the war effort, despite his age. His mother protests, but it is clear that the war effort has reached desperate measures. The soldiers make it clear that every available person, even children, must serve.
Max, still confused and frightened, is taken by the soldiers. His parents are forced to let him go, with his mother giving him a silent, desperate goodbye. The chapter ends with Max being led away, not fully understanding what's happening, but feeling the weight of the change in his life.