In a world where humanity's greatest minds have created the System to shape the perfect people of the Future, everyone is expected to follow the path of rationality. Emotions are controlled, feelings are organized, and the human mind becomes a tool for exploring higher realms. Yet even in such a seemingly perfect society, truth remains hidden behind a veil, and freedom is but an illusion.
To look at the world from different angles - this is the opportunity that the reader has. Immersion in the world from the perspective of different characters. If we could read the thoughts of others? People of the System who support the idea of the Man of the Future. Or people from other Cities and Countries who are looking for answers? They must make a choice: remain part of the perfect structure or risk everything for free will.
On their journey beyond controlled reality, they expose both the dark and bright sides of the System, uncovering answers that will not only change their own destinies but also redefine the essence of humanity itself.
Where does the truth lie, when there is no good or evil, only alternative perspectives on what the world should be?