Set against the vibrant backdrop of the 1980s, Tides of Love & Loss tells a poignant tale of friendship, longing, and the bittersweet tides of young love. Stella, a spirited dreamer with a deep passion for art, and Kian, a quiet guitarist who finds solace in strumming melodies that echo his emotions, navigate the uncharted waters of adolescence in their small coastal town.
Unbeknownst to each other, Stella and Kian harbor secret feelings that could bridge the silence between them, but fear and uncertainty keep their hearts locked away. As they walk to school together each morning, sharing laughter and dreams, they grapple with the unspoken truths that define their connection. Meanwhile, Raine, their fiercely loyal and enigmatic best friend, becomes an unexpected catalyst in their journey, challenging them to face the emotions they've buried deep.
With the nostalgic charm of cassette tapes, polaroid snapshots, and neon-lit boardwalks, Tides of Love & Loss captures the essence of an era while exploring the universal themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Will Stella and Kian find the courage to reveal their hearts, or will the tides of time pull them apart forever?