20 parts Ongoing In a world where loyalty and love intersect with danger and ambition, we find a story that weaves together the threads of family ties, passion, and hidden agendas. At the heart of this narrative is Dr. Anshika sharma aka Khushi, a dedicated cardiologist whose compassion for her patients is only rivaled by the bond she shares with her four playful cousins and her fiercely protective brother, Nishant Sharma, a savvy businessman navigating the complexities of the corporate world. Together, they form a close-knit family, each individual contributing their unique flair to their shared journey. However, the peace of their idyllic lives is shattered when khushi's path crosses with that of Victor Romano, her enigmatic bodyguard who harbors a dark secret. As khushi finds herself irresistibly drawn to Victor, she must confront the harsh realities of love amidst chaos while navigating the intricacies of two worlds that could either unite them or tear them apart. This is not just a story of a girl and her protector; it's a tale of passion, power, and the eternal battle between heart and duty.