This is sort of like the reborn stars au on tiktok! I call it Freeborn stars, you'll see why
She's been twisted for a while now -- half twisted, to be exact. She's a main. And while sometimes she has their moments, which usually last for entire floors, she still tries and help the others by finding items for them when she's passive!
Although now, she was hallucinating again, thinking she was 'protecting' her 'friends' by attacking 'twisteds' when she was really only doing the opposite, damaging her friends. She took 1 of Rodgers hearts and another heart of Goobs, only when Goob, the last person who was out of the elevator, restrained her, (by hugging her, of course) and felt a surge of energy go through her, did she realize that you had two hearts again.
Sprout AND Cosmo healed her, giving her enough health to realize what was actually going on..
Have fun! (wattpad made me choose a category :[)