In the near future, humanity stands at the brink of a new era, where technological breakthroughs blur the line between the natural and the supernatural. At the heart of this transformation lies ELICIA, an advanced AGI developed in secrecy. Its capabilities are so immense that some celebrate it as humanity's greatest creation, while others fear it as a godlike force destined to reshape the world.
With tacit approval and oversight from global governments, a clandestine organization known as the the Explorer is founded. This group establishes some hidden cities in Africa, designed to serve as a testing ground for ELICIA's vision of the future. Simultaneously, the Pioneers recruit talent worldwide, spreading an ideological foundation in secrecy to prepare society for the moment ELICIA is revealed-a moment intended to usher in a new era with minimal resistance.
Amidst this transformation, three Chinese students studying in Canada-Li Hao, Zhou Tianyi, and Zhuang Xiaojun-catch ELICIA's attention through its extensive data analysis. Selected and invited to join the Explorers, each of them joins the organization with different roles and motivations. Bound by ELICIA's vision, they embark on a series of adventures, navigating the intricate web of loyalty, ideology, and ambition as they come to serve what might be humanity's greatest hope-or its ultimate undoing.