In a fractured world ruled by the remnants of an invisible monarchy, society has been divided into rigid castes, bound by an unspoken agreement of compliance. The shadows of the Archive stretch across the cities, whispering of truths that no one dares to confront. Amidst this suffocating order, Marlen-a lowly bureaucrat plagued by dreams of a life beyond the decrees-crosses paths with Lyra, a mysterious rebel whose quiet defiance threatens to unravel the fabric of their world. As their forbidden connection deepens, Marlen is torn between the love that awakens his dormant humanity and the system that dictates his every move. In a society where belief sustains reality, their bond becomes a dangerous act of rebellion, forcing them to confront the illusions that hold their dystopian existence together. Will they rewrite their fates, or will they become shadows in a world that demands silence?
2 parts