Sixteen-year-old Aurora Woods finds herself mysteriously transported into the world of *Twilight*, waking up in Bella Swan's body. In her past life, she had secretly loved her sister Daisy's boyfriend, Mathew, but a tragic series of events left her broken and blamed for a deadly accident. Abused by her father and cast aside by the man she loved, Aurora never got a chance to heal-until now.
In this new world, Aurora befriends Alice, Jasper, and becomes Jacob's best friend. But it's Edward Cullen who awakens emotions she thought were lost forever. Yet, as she begins to care for him, Edward uncovers secrets from her past and mistakenly believes she's hiding darker truths. With James, a vengeful vampire, hunting her down, Aurora is forced to confront her past and her feelings for Edward in a fight for survival.
But when everything falls apart, and Edward leaves her heartbroken, can Aurora ever truly find redemption in a world that has already judged her?
can Aurora overcome her past, earn Edward's forgiveness, and find peace in a world where nothing is as it seems?
As secrets unravel, Aurora must fight to prove her innocence to Edward, navigate the tangled web of her past, and protect those she loves-before it's too late. Will she find redemption in this new life, or will her past destroy her chances at love and peace?
Harley Quinn/ Swan, is bubbly and psychotic, the fraternal twin sister of Bella Swan. Moving to Forks, Harley catches the eye of two certain vampires, will they be able to stay away from her? Or do they give in?
[Twilight - New Moon]