This story takes place in a high school called "Shimetsu High". The first main character is a girl named Maeya Okashi as a first year in high school desperate for love. She's always had a big soft spot for romance. She hoped one day she would experience it like how it was in the movies. She heard a rumor about a girl ghost named Itsuya Hakashi who haunts the girls restroom. This is the second main character. Rumor has it, the girl was a first year that died last year in a car crash and started to haunt the third bathroom stall. Though, if you summon her, she could grant you three wishes. Knock on the third stall door three times and say "Itsuya, Itsuya, Itsuya...Please surround yourself near me." To summon her. So, Maeya did just that. She hoped that she'll finally find true love. The one she had always dreamed of. But, even though it worked, Itsuya didn't look like a girl. And, that was correct. Itsuya was a boy who haunted the bathroom stalls. His real name was "Itsu" and he was a flirty, playful ghost. Now, Maeyu has to face the challenges of being friends with a ghost slightly taller than her with short, black hair and electric blue eyes. Who knows, maybe they'll even fall in love. That would've been crazy, though. A girl in love with a ghost? Even if he felt the same that just.. wouldn't be enough.
(I just wrote this story for fun)