In Chasing Illusions of Love is a poignant and introspective journey of self-discovery and transformation. The story follows a young woman who has spent most of her life living in the shadow of her beautiful, charismatic older sister, Amelia. She has long chased after an illusion of love, seeking validation from others and trying to fit into a mold that never truly fit her. After a life-changing moment, she is given a second chance to reclaim her identity, to finally let go of the expectations that have defined her, and to learn how to live for herself.
Through quiet moments of reflection, personal growth, and newfound freedom, she embarks on a path to find joy in the small, simple moments of life. Along the way, she learns the true meaning of happiness-not from external sources, but from within. As she learns to let go of past attachments, including a toxic relationship with a former love and the constant comparison to her sister, she discovers the beauty of living authentically and unapologetically.
This story explores themes of self-acceptance, the complexities of sibling relationships, the danger of comparison, and the power of letting go to embrace a new chapter in life. In the Shadow of Her is a heartfelt exploration of what it means to step into the light of your own life, free from the illusions of perfection and the expectations of others.
Cameron Cole has a plan.
After yet another relationship ends because of certain shortcomings-literally-Cameron decides it's time to swear off dating and focus her energy into her junior year at the University of Charlotte. There's an internship up for grabs and there's no way she's letting that slip through her fingers. But then she's goes and makes one impulsive mistake that changes everything.
Wesley Reed has it all.
As the golden boy of the Charlotte Colts football team, he's got the talent, the looks, and a future so bright it's practically blinding. Girls throw themselves at him, professors let things slide, and the world bends to his will.
But when a required freshmen paper threatens his eligibility, the two are brought together in a sick twist of academic fate. Cameron can't get him out of her head and Wesley isn't making it any easier with his cocky smirk and insistent charm. Their arrangement teeters on the edge of disaster as unresolved tension and late-night study sessions give way to a steamy, no-strings-attached deal.
But in the game of love and lust, someone always has to loose-and the stakes have never been higher.