Ice King Probinsyana Awakening" follows Micaela "Mica" Sandoval, a 24-year-old woman from the small village of Sta. Teresa. After the death of her parents, Mica became the sole guardian of her two younger siblings: Miguel, an 8-year-old boy, and Lea, a 3-year-old girl suffering from a serious illness. Desperate for medical treatment for Lea, Mica decides to leave her humble life in the province and travel to the city, where she hopes to find the help her sister needs.
Upon arriving in the city, Mica and her siblings encounter Xavier Frost, a cold and ruthless billionaire businessman, and his friends. Initially mistaken for a "white lady" due to her pale complexion and the dire situation, Mica's story unfolds. Xavier and his friends soon learn about her struggle and decide to help. One of Xavier's billionaire friends offers them a place to stay temporarily until they can get Lea to the hospital.
As Mica tries to navigate life in the city, her bond with Xavier and his friends grows. But with her sister's condition worsening, Mica must decide how far she's willing to go to save her family-and what happens when she begins to thaw the heart of the cold and distant Xavier.
Everything started when the notorious troublemaker, Benj Ferrera, came back to school after months of being hospitalized due to a car accident and met the transferee turned heartthrob, Rael Villarin, who had been hired by his mother to be his tutor for the school year.