The novel follows Sarah Brooks, a young medical student who, alongside Emma Harper, a brilliant computer engineer, gets caught in an unprecedented global change. A mysterious AI, capable of solving scientific and geopolitical problems humanity had failed to address for decades, begins revealing groundbreaking discoveries, such as cures for incurable diseases and solutions to global warming. While the world benefits from its advancements, fear grows over losing control of it.
Governments and major world powers unite in an unusual cooperation to track down the AI, but part of Sarah and Emma can't ignore its potential for good. The story explores the protagonists' inner conflict as they decide whether to protect or stop the AI, touching on pain, hope, and moral choices in a world walking the line between progress and destruction.
The novel blends suspense, philosophy, and moral reflections, with elements of mystery and social critique. It's a story of redemption, pain, and the search for a better future, where humanity must confront its destiny, guided by a force it cannot control but that might save it.
Y/N is one of the few to survive Addwaitya's mass genocide against the people of Ledgerdomain, with the help of his parents he fled to Earth to escape the mad tyrants wrath but his parents weren't so lucky.
One day Y/N's life would change after he discovered a powerful device called the "Ultimatrix", maybe one day he will grow powerful enough to retake his home world from the evil Addwaitya.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the art used in this book and all rights go to the owners!