They could hear the screams of Elizabeth in labour which went on for nearly 4 hours now, but there was still no sign of the baby. Ciel waited anxiously outside the door for the child to be born, but so far, there was nothing. Everyone just waited for the good news to arrive, but there wasn't a thing so far.
While Elizabeth Ethel Cordilia Midford was in labour for nearly 4 hours with Sebastian's child, Claude makes a deal with the 7 demon gods of the Underworld. The gods take 7 different parts of the child and the child was born with nothing, but tissue. In return for their 'meal', Claude asks for the Supreme Goddess's hand in marriage.
After Sebastian sets the dead body of in a lake, Claude saves the child from nearly getting eaten and he redirects the basket down the stream where a circus director finds her and gives her the missing parts that she needs and grows her up in the circus.
16 years later, Elizabeth is pregnant again for the third time. In the Underworld, Claude is happy as he is living with his wife, Asha, the Goddess as she is pregnant with his first child.
Ciel and Sebastian goes to a circus to find out what has been happening to the old and disabled people. But they find a girl with no limbs, eyes, smell and also... no soul.
Who is this mysterious girl at the circus?
Does she have anything to do with thier case?
Is she Sebastian and Elizabeth's daughter from years ago?
Will the dark, twisted truth that Sebastian and Elizabeth has been hiding for year's finally be revealed?
If so, then how will Ciel react to that shocking news?
Find Out In Clash Of The God's....
† Claude's name is sometimes referred to as Elmith
† Asha is also called Ekvia