Chou Tzuyu, a quiet and introspective teenager, has always struggled with the mystery of her parents' sudden disappearance. Raised by her aunt Jihyo and uncle Sungbin, Tzuyu is determined to uncover the truth. When she discovers a hidden briefcase belonging to her father, she embarks on a journey that leads her to Genex Labs, a powerful scientific organization owned by Dr. Minatozaki-Sana's father. As she navigates the complexities of her life, Tzuyu's bond with Sana deepens, but a mysterious event at a school field trip changes everything. After being bitten by a genetically altered spider at Genex Labs, Tzuyu begins to experience strange changes she cannot explain. Her secret transformation into Spider-Woman starts a new chapter in her life, one that will bring her closer to the truth about her parents and the dangers lurking around her.