In the vibrant and tumultuous 1920s, young private investigator Sloan Sheppard navigates a world of crime and elite society in my 85,000-word novel, A Coffin is Waiting, set against the backdrop of Prohibition.
When a high-profile case involving a murdered attorney lands on Sloan Sheppard's desk, he must unravel a web of deceit and danger that threatens his career and the lives of those entangled in the mystery. As the enemy closes in and time runs out, Sloan must rely on his strength, determination, and sharp instincts to uncover the deadly truth.
Sloan Sheppard, a determined and resourceful private investigator in 1920s Albany, New York, takes on a case involving Judge Archie, who believes someone is out to kill him. The situation escalates when lawyer Clement Lewis mistakenly drinks poisoned tea intended for the judge. As Sloan delves into the case, he navigates the glitzy yet gritty underworld of the era, from jazz clubs and speakeasies to high-society functions. Each clue uncovers secrets that challenge Sloan's perceptions and puts him in the crosshairs of a powerful adversary, culminating in a shocking revelation that alters the course of the investigation. The novel explores themes of justice, loyalty, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
في ظلِّ عـلاقـتـهـمـا الغير مُـتـزِنـة الّتي فجأة أضحَت على نحوٍ جـيـد هيَ أخـتـفَـت! ...
سافرَ لِأسبوعان و عاد مُتلهِفاً لِلُقياها و دفنِها داخِل أعـمـاقِـه ، لَكْنهُ لَم يُحقق مُـنـاه كونهُ شاهدَ منزلهُ خـالـيـاً مِـنـهـا و مِن جُلِّ ما يـخـصـهـا ...
و بعد بحثٍ مُكثف ، أتضح في قضيتها إنها هـارِبـة رفقة عَشيقها! .
𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐘:@kimrossy12
𝐒: 27/4/2024
𝐄: // // ////
•الرِواية بِقلمي و من تفكيري الخاص و إن وجدت المثل لها ، فَ هوَ مجرد تشابُه