"In Her Shoes" is a collection of teenage girl's raw, relatable, and often unspoken stories. Each chapter captures these experiences that go untold in everyday conversation: the quiet victories, the hidden struggles, and the unshared dreams.
Written with honesty and emotion "In Her Shoes invites readers to step into the lives of teen girls, exploring the complex, messy and beautiful world they navigate it's a celebration of resilience, friendship, and growth, where every story feels like it could have happened to someone you know or maybe even to you. The book speaks to the heart of what it means to be a woman in all its forms, whether real, exaggerated or somewhere in between.
A WOSO Oneshot book
Oneshots of favourite Women's footballers
Mainly the Lionesses, Arsenal Women's team,Chelsea Women's team, Man City Women's team and Man Utd Women's team