In the snow-draped city of Saint Petersburg, the legendary figure skater Lev Haiba hides a painful secret: a family curse that causes his heart to freeze when he falls in love, leading to an untimely death. Despite his icy facade, Lev feels an unshakeable loneliness, until the arrival of Morisuke Yaku, an insecure but talented skater from Japan, changes everything.
When Yaku is given the chance to train with Lev, their bond grows stronger, bringing warmth to Lev's heart for the first time in years. However, as their relationship deepens, the curse begins to take its toll on Lev, causing him great pain and threatening his life. They decide to cherish every moment together, knowing their time is limited.
Their love story culminates in a final, breathtaking performance that encapsulates their journey of joy and heartache. Despite the curse, their bond inspires countless others, leaving behind a legacy that proves love's strength, even in the face of inevitable loss.
~Inspiration: Yuri!! On Ice~