In the vast, unforgiving universe of BattleTech, where loyalty is fragile and survival uncertain, two unlikely heroes find themselves united against overwhelming odds. Sarah O'Toole, a grizzled MechWarrior with a penchant for reckless bravery, teams up with Nifty Bright Star, an anthropomorphic belter with unique features and an unbreakable spirit. Together, they face pirates, battle-scarred Mechs, and their own pasts in a desperate attempt to defend those who can't protect themselves.
Thrown together in the midst of a pirate raid on a mining colony, Sarah and Nifty form an unlikely partnership. Sarah, an experienced mercenary, fights to protect the mining community despite her out-of-service Archer Mech. Nifty, an outsider both for her genetics and her upbringing in a circus, uses her ingenuity and a colorful industrial loader to join the fight. Together, they struggle to fend off the pirate forces, culminating in a bond forged by battle and resilience.
"BattleTech: All Shapes and Sizes" is a story of camaraderie, courage, and finding belonging in unexpected places. With the gritty backdrop of a war-torn industrial colony, Sarah and Nifty's journey is one of survival, respect, and an unspoken promise to stand by each other when it matters most.
From something beyond his control, Izuku Midoriya was treated like a plague in the world
Having so much anger for the Heroes and the society who treat the innocents like shit attracted The Radio Demon, Alastor who offer Izuku powers and became a Powerful Overlord know as The Green Demon