In the heart of a bustling steampunk city, 18-year-old Liora is an orphan working as a clockmaker's apprentice. Her life is ordinary, if not a little dull, until the day an enigmatic customer brings in a peculiar device: a clockwork box engraved with glowing symbols. "Fix this," the customer whispers, "and you'll uncover your destiny."
Liora's curiosity outweighs her caution. She spends nights studying the box, discovering that it's not a clock-it's a map. When activated, it projects a shimmering route leading to the fabled "Vault of Aeons," a legendary artifact said to grant its possessor mastery over time itself.
Before Liora can make sense of her discovery, she's attacked by a group of shadowy figures, revealing that others seek the box. Fleeing for her life, she's rescued by a roguish skyship captain named Cyrus, who offers her safe passage-if she splits the treasure with him. Reluctantly, Liora agrees, and they set off on an adventure filled with treacherous airship battles, hidden traps, and ancient riddles.
As they journey, Liora uncovers secrets about her past. Her parents were not mere clockmakers but key members of an ancient order tasked with guarding the Vault. Her connection to the artifact is stronger than she ever imagined, and unlocking it might not just reshape her future-but rewrite the fabric of time itself.
But the closer they get to the Vault, the more dangerous their path becomes. Rival treasure hunters, a crumbling alliance with Cyrus, and the revelation of the artifact's dark cost force Liora to make an impossible choice: seize the power to change the past or protect the present.
"I love you...Wednesday Addams" The girl cried while hugging him as tight as she could.
"I love you too....Amore mio. Please always keep my cold, black heart with you. I don't like my heart being mine anymore." Wednesday said before kissing her on forehead.
They say opposite attracts.
"You're bars and I'm books.
You're jokes and I'm shy smiles.
You're melody and I'm lyrics.
You're cautious and I'm impulsive.
You're bubbly and I'm calm.
You're sweet and I'm bitter.
So, why is every cell in my body wishing you to be mine?"
- Wednesday Addams