In a reimagining of Wicked, Gianna, the feisty and adventurous princess of the magical kingdom of Aurelion, arrives at Shiz University with a reputation as a skilled sorceress and a penchant for bending rules. Despite her royal status, she quickly becomes entangled in the lives of Elphaba, the ostracized green-skinned girl with a fiery intellect, and Glinda, the self-absorbed yet charming socialite. As tensions rise and destinies intertwine, Gianna's presence challenges the boundaries of power, friendship, and love. Drawn to Fiyero, the enigmatic prince with a carefree facade, she finds herself navigating a whirlwind of forbidden romance and moral dilemmas. Against the backdrop of Oz's shifting politics and prejudices, Gianna must decide where her loyalties lie-between her duties as a princess, her heart's desires, and the fight against the growing darkness that threatens them all.
Bree is thrown into the glade like everybody else. In a dark metal box with no memory of her past life. She soon comes to realize that her new life in the glade isn't the best one. That is, until she finds Newt.
Featured in the official Wattpad fanfic Maze Runner fanfiction reading list!
Book cover by soldtheworld
All characters and settings are owned by James Dashner. I only own Bree, and a few other select characters.
*Please keep in mind while reading that I wrote this when I was fourteen. (: