Isabella is17 years old. She's pretty, she's popular, she is everything every guy wants. 'She's perfect'. But in her world, the perfect image is just a cover, to hide her weakness, to conceal her real emotions. Isabella love's her mom, but she's always gone on business trips, and because she's the only child, she's stuck home with her dad. But one day, when she breaks up with her 7 month relationship with her boyfriend Kyle, a mysterious boy comes into her life. But for some strange reason, he's keeping something away from her. Just as she's keeping something away from him. From everyone.
A story of misery and love,
Isabella the young 13 year old, leaves home.. Only to be bullied on every phase, Dylan the bully's boyfriend falls in love with Isabella...
What would happen to Isabella?
"You are lying, If I see you near Dylan tonight at prep, you would regret your existence. Stay away from my man. He is MINE!" She said as she walked out.
His head was coming down towards mine, I could feel his breath on my nose as his hands dropped from my shoulder as he held my waist firmly, our lips met in contact.