Hi I'm Paige and today I am going to tell you about this story which happened to my big brother Matty. We we're eating our weird lunch when a mean girl name Sophia came near us and took our magical bench that our father made before he died 3 years ago. 2 days later our bench was gone we gasped and started crying well not me my brother because he was dads faveroute child so the next day Paige and Matty refused to go to school . so he stayed home and when Paige got home she had the bench with her she put the bench down quietly and ran in to tell Matty that she got it Matty could not believe that she got it back to where it belongs. A few days later Sophia came to say that she was so so sorry she didn't know how much that bench meant to us. Matty and Paige's dad got this bench from his dad. So that is the story of the girl sitting on the bench and I am so happy how good this book turns outHak Cipta Terpelihara
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