the Hellsing Organization uncovers a powerful celestial being, Angel, imprisoned beneath an old castle. Freed by Arthur Hellsing, Angel also known as the Angel of Resurrection, pledges her loyalty to the fight against supernatural threats. As she integrates into the organization, Angel forms an unbreakable bond with Walter C. Dornez, who becomes her counterpart, the Angel of Death. Together, they aid Integra Hellsing in leading the battle against the sinister Millennium Organization, a group bent on plunging the world into chaos with their vampiric legions. When Angel is captured by Millennium, Walter risks everything to rescue her, only to make the ultimate sacrifice. In an act of celestial power, Angel revives him, cementing their roles as guardians of life and death. As war rages, partnerships are tested, destinies are forged, and the Hellsing legacy is forever altered in this tale of loyalty, sacrifice, and celestial power.
-This was the last day we'd had together at the orphanage. And also the last day for me to confess. It was now or never.-
I update pretty irregularly since I'm just writing for myself right now.
I may create a schedule if people actually start reading this but I highly doubt it.
It's also my first fanfic so I'm sorry that it's really bad =_=