In an isolated college, two boys, Naruto and Sasuke, find themselves sharing a room. At first, they are strangers with completely different visions and dreams. But behind the doors of that room, between fleeting glances and awkward silences, something begins to change. A bond slowly forms, defying expectations, fueled by unspoken tensions and a strange attraction that grows day by day. While the world outside continues to turn, inside those four walls, they discover that sometimes love is silent, hidden between shadows and the unsaid. The room becomes the place where their emotions intertwine, where the deepest truths emerge and reality blurs with dreams. But the question is: are they ready to live what lies beyond those doors? Or will there be unforeseen obstacles?
"Copyrights belong to Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto. This is just a fanfiction created by me, inspired by the characters and story. It contains R18 content"