Title: Eclipsed Hearts
In a world where the delicate veil between the human realm and the fay realm has been shattered, the once predictable life of Elara, a brilliant human scientist, is upended. The cataclysmic event known as The Collision has merged these two realms, introducing humanity to the enchanting and perilous creatures of the fay.
Elara's journey begins with the tragic loss of her parents during the Collision, igniting her determination to uncover the mysteries behind the merging of the worlds. As she delves deeper into her research at the Cross-Realm Research Institute, Elara discovers a rhythmic energy pulse that seems to echo the heartbeat of the fay realm itself. This discovery leads her on a perilous expedition into the fay forests, where she and her team uncover a towering structure that may hold the key to understanding the Collision.
Amidst the backdrop of old hostilities and a fragile alliance, humans and fay must navigate a world fraught with danger and discovery. As Elara unravels the secrets of the Collision, she finds herself entwined in a complex web of political intrigue, ancient magic, and scientific discovery. Along the way, she encounters Travien, a brooding fay warrior with a cold demeanor and a past shrouded in mystery.