In this intricate tale of transformation, discipline, and purpose, Harry Potter discovers an enigmatic institution known as the House, a place of strict hierarchy and control, designed to mold its inhabitants into perfect servants, masters, or workers. Drawn by curiosity and a longing for autonomy, Harry immerses himself in its structure, rising to the status of "Little Master" while reshaping his beliefs about loyalty, order, and leadership. Alongside characters like Gem, Zane, and his estranged friends Ron and Hermione-who undergo their own journeys of surrender and purpose-Harry navigates a world of calculated discipline and subtle manipulation. As Harry learns to balance the House's rigid structure with empathy and vision, he evolves into a leader who understands the delicate interplay of power, loyalty, and transformation, ultimately striving to unify those under his care through understanding rather than mere control.
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started: 08.14.21
finished: tbd