In a world devastated by kaiju, humanity fights to survive against colossal monsters that seem unstoppable. Y/N, a battle-hardened soldier in an elite special forces' unit, carries a deep hatred for the creatures that destroyed his home and family.
But when a mission to investigate a mysterious anomaly goes awry, Y/N is thrust into an alternate dimension-a realm ruled by kaiju who are far more intelligent and powerful than he ever imagined. These beings, with their own alliances and rivalries, challenge everything he thought he knew about the monsters he's fought for years.
As Y/N navigates this strange new world, alliances are forged, enemies are made, and an unexpected bond begins to grow between him and the kaiju he once vowed to destroy. However, with his old comrades on the horizon and a greater threat looming, Y/N must decide where his true loyalties lie.
From familiar looking animatronics, too friends who went missing since college graduation, too his shifts being weird and even weirder. Y/N L/N a guy who has been fired from many jobs from it being a cashier, a security job...You get the idea now let's find out what happens when he gets a job at a nightclub with very sexual animatronics that's connected to him in many ways...Inspired by a account I think Wattpad deleted or they deleted their own account. A lot of stuff will be inspired by that author and gonna be heavily influenced by the game itself.