Whispers in the Dark is a chilling tale of family, grief, and the sinister forces that lurk beneath the surface of reality. Vivienne Everhart, a young girl gifted with the ability to sense spirits, returns to her late grandmother's mansion, hoping to uncover the truth behind her mysterious death. But the mansion holds more than memories-its walls whisper secrets of a dark past that Vivienne soon realizes is tied to her own bloodline.
As Vivienne delves deeper into the mansion's haunting mysteries, she begins to experience terrifying nightmares, each one guided by her grandmother's spirit. These nightmares lead her to uncover clues hidden in the mansion, including a locked box that unleashes a malevolent force-a demon that had been imprisoned within the house for generations. But the demon's reach is far more insidious than she could ever have imagined. Its dark influence starts to twist reality, making Vivienne question who-or what-she can trust.
The demon's power is linked to her brother, Ethan, whose erratic behavior and midnight wanderings raise Vivienne's suspicions. As the demon's influence grows stronger, Vivienne must confront the terrifying truth: the demon is not only in her brother, but in her as well. Desperate to save her family and free herself from the demon's grip, Vivienne must make a harrowing choice-one that will force her to confront the darkness within her own soul.