In the mystical realm of Heartwood, the Folk possess an ancient gift: the ability to shift between human and animal forms, their powers woven into the very fabric of the land. Magic flows through their veins, and spells can alter the world in ways few can imagine. But beneath the surface of this seemingly harmonious world, darkness stirs. A species of Folk hunts a singular individual- a Folk who possesses the healing properties to bring back deities from a distant realm called the Departed Realm. They seek to bring back a malevolent entity, one powerful enough to tip the balance and grant them unimaginable power. The stakes are higher than ever as they race against time, knowing that failure will plunge Heartwood into chaos. As this Folk attempts to avoid this fate, she stays with those she knows will keep her and her mother safe. The Folk of Rubywood, those who run the Elderglow Enclave and the most powerful Folk. They fight to protect her. Can they hinder the opening of the Departed Realm. Collision, love, betrayal and blindness make a dangerous mix. The mix that ensures nothing but fear.All Rights Reserved
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