In this heartfelt story, Mason, a man who has always lived a predictable and uncomplicated life, begins to question his identity when he meets Demetrius, a charismatic and confident man who works at a local art gallery. What starts as casual conversations about art and life soon evolves into a deeper connection that shakes the foundation of Mason's understanding of himself. As their bond grows, Mason experiences an unexpected and confusing awakening to his feelings for Demetrius, challenging his previous ideas about love and attraction. In a quiet, transformative moment, Mason discovers that some connections defy labels and that embracing his true emotions may be the key to discovering who he really is. Through their evolving relationship, Mason learns that love is not about fitting into predefined categories but about allowing oneself to feel authentically and fully.
[تکمیل شده]کیم تهیونگ دانشجوی ترم اولی حقوق از روی کنجکاوی برای تماشای دادگاه جئون جونگ کوک که بهش اتهام قاچاق مواد زده شده میره و اونجا با یه حقیقت شاید ترسناک رو به رو میشه.
جئون جونگ کوک جفتش بود!
_مامان متاسفم اما من عاشق یه خلافکار شدم.