In a world where angels silently watch over humans, Seonghwa, an angel sent to observe the lives of mortals, is captivated by the vibrant spirit of Hongjoong, a passionate and determined young man who lives a life full of dreams and uncertainty. Seonghwa's mission is simple: to protect and guide, without ever becoming involved in the lives of those he watches. However, as he grows closer to Hongjoong, Seonghwa finds himself drawn to the warmth of his heart, the depth of his thoughts, and the beauty of his world-a world so different from the celestial realm Seonghwa knows.
Hongjoong, too, feels an inexplicable connection to Seonghwa, though he is unaware of Seonghwa's true nature. To him, Seonghwa is just a kind and mysterious stranger who always seems to be there when he needs support. But as their bond deepens into a romance that transcends the boundaries of mortal and divine, Seonghwa faces a dilemma-his fellow angels demand he return to the celestial realm, and the rules of his kind forbid such attachments. Meanwhile, Hongjoong struggles with his own feelings, unable to confess the truth to his human friends: that he has fallen for someone who isn't even supposed to exist in his world.
Caught between the pull of love and the weight of duty, Seonghwa must decide whether to defy the divine laws that govern his kind or to let go of the only love he's ever known. For Hongjoong, the truth about Seonghwa's nature will come crashing down, forcing him to choose between a life with a mortal's limitations or the impossible love that promises nothing but heartache.
This is a story of an Indian Mafia Leader and A Simple Girl...
Yuaan is an Indian Mafia leader in India everyone is afraid of him. Everyone knows About him but no one knows how he looks Only his close one saw him. He is a very cold, emotionless and grumpy person he doesn't smile often he never believes in love Or he thinks he never deserves to be loved... Until he SAW her as a girl who changes his life and makes him believe in love.
A Simple Sunshine girl . she is India's no.1 businessman daughter her family loves her a lot. She never knew anything about the mafia world she lived her life freely until she met him. The cold grumpy man who turns her life upside down.. She is cute, beautiful and smart everything a boy ever needs..
She is the one who helped Yuaan in his hard time what happened when yuaan ordered to kidnap a girl not knowing she is the same girl who saved his life....
Read and find out what happened next...
GUYS this is my first book pls ignore me if I make any mistakes and support me