Welcome to Hakodate Chubu High School, where the mysterious and supernatural collide with everyday school life! In this thrilling light novel, the legendary Yokai, Hanako-san, a mischievous and kind spirit, roams the old hallways of the school. When she befriends the spirited 15-year-old schoolgirl, Momo Kukan, a self-proclaimed mystery genre enthusiast who is always looking for her next thrilling case to solve. Hanako-san decides to help Momo by setting up a new club at school - "The Yokai Detectives Club." The club quickly gained popularity among students intrigued by the supernatural and the unknown. As the duo investigates strange occurrences around the school grounds, they encounter various yokai (Japanese spirits), each with unique personalities and abilities. From peaceful forest spirits to mischievous tricksters, Momo and Hanako-san navigate a world where the line between reality and fantasy is blurred. Set against the enchanting backdrop of Hokkaido's Hakodate, our dynamic duo will face challenges that test their wit, bravery, and friendship. Along the way, Momo discovers hidden truths about herself, while Hanako-san finds solace in a bond that transcends time and space.
Story Arcs:
1: Meeting of Spirits Arc, Chapters 1 to 4.
2: The Haunted Library Arc, Chapter 5 - Ongoing.
3: Yokai Festival Frenzy Arc,
4: Secrets of the Moonlit Lake Arc,
5: The Enchanted Mask Arc,
6: Shadow Realm Showdown Arc,
7: The Phantom of Hakodate Chubu Arc,
8: Curse of the Crimson Kimono Arc,
9: Whispers of the Forgotten Shrine Arc,
10: Midnight Duel at the Clock Tower Arc,
11: Carnival of Shadows Arc,
12: Echoes of the Past Arc,
13: The Spirit World Gateway Arc,
14: Fangs of the Night Arc,
15: Mystic Masquerade Ball Arc,
16: Spirited Away Arc,
AlbaSpider created the original story and characters. All Rights Reserved.
I created the art cover using the Talkie app.
‶Get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret!″ the eldest shouted, his voice laced with fury.
‶I will. But I'm taking her with me,″ his younger brother replied, his expression unwavering.
‶Don't you dare come near her! She won't end up like you!″ the eldest retorted, his eyes ablaze with anger.
Amidst their yelling match, a young girl sat under the table, her eyes overflowing with tears and head throbbing uncontrollably. Her family had always been an unconventional one, but that day marked its transition from unconventional to unhappy.
Miles apart, a young boy looked at the star marred sky with twinkling eyes. As the shooting star made its appearance, he closed his eyes and prayed for the one thing he craved for the most.
'A happy family.'
‶What did you wish for?″ a manly voice interrupted him.