Broken Hero: A Tale of Betrayal and Conquest
Sanada Yukimura, an ordinary young man from Japan, is unexpectedly summoned to a mystical world plagued by darkness and despair. Chosen by prophecy, he is tasked with defeating the fearsome Demon King Onishi and restoring peace to the Kingdom of Sadakori. Armed with a glowing katana and guided by a sense of duty, Yukimura embarks on a journey that seems destined for heroism.
But not all is as it seems. As Yukimura saves the princess, Fumi Sadakori, from bandits and develops feelings for her, he becomes entangled in a web of love, betrayal, and deceit. When the princess shatters his trust, the hero abandons his quest and the ideals he once held dear. Now a "broken hero," Yukimura sets his sights not on salvation, but on domination-seeking vengeance on the world that betrayed him.
With vivid world-building, intricate relationships, and battles filled with magic and steel, Broken Hero is a gripping tale of redemption, heartbreak, and the thin line between savior and conqueror.
A Royal family renowned for their illustrious name and fame, A family full of pride and rage, A Family for which everyone bows their head - The Agnihotri's.
This story is about boys who possess a unique blend of qualities - they are cold, rude, powerful, self-assured, confident, and charming.
They have an undeniable allure, despite the devilish side they sometimes exhibit. Their faces radiate heavenly looks, yet their personality is made by the Devil.
This combination of traits makes them fascinating and captivating to those around them, drawing them in with an irresistible force. The boys' personalities are complex and intriguing, offering a glimpse into the complexity of human nature.
What if the lives of those boys intertwine with those of the girls who are brimming with passion?
The ones who know how to put everything in its rightful place, and who refuse to bow their head to anyone.
Who can predict the tale of these four couples, each distinct from the other?