Far away from the original timeline, lies an alternate universe of the world of "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint". In this world, unseen by police and regular citizens, the mafias are clashing. At the start, there were at least 8 groups. Now, only the biggest, most powerful mafia groups remain standing: "Kim Dokja's Company", "Olympus", and "Asgard". They are the ones fighting to see who will take over the government, also known as the "Star Stream", and therefore, take over the country. As both allies and enemies are made, the fighting gets worse. Kidnapping attempts, thieving, spying, and killing are happening more and more frequently. Will "Kim Dokja's Company" win the battle before everything falls into ruin, or will they be eliminated, just like the smaller, weak mafia groups? Read this story of romance and action entwined to find out!
Original story is not mine. Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint belongs to Sing Shong.
Cover is mine. Please do not reuse without permission.