The red planet, known only as Arcanis, was a beacon of survival amidst an endless void. Its skies glowed faintly crimson, reflecting off the massive spacecraft that had orbited it for centuries. The Genesis Beacon, a colossal spaceship spanning miles, was more than just metal and circuits-it was humanity's last bastion, home to millions of survivors. Here, generations had lived and died, disconnected from the cradle of their species-Earth.
No one knew why the Genesis Beacon had been exiled to the orbit of Arcanis. The planet below was barren, its surface a wasteland of storms and ash. Life existed only aboard the ship, an isolated civilization with its own rules, history, and legends. Among those legends was the story of Dr. Nicholas Bob, a pioneer who had vanished a thousand years ago, taking with him the hope of discovering a new future for humanity.
For Steve Coin, commander of exploratory missions aboard the Genesis Beacon, those stories were just myths-until the day the ship intercepted a mysterious signal.
The signal was faint, yet unmistakable, pulsing through the vast emptiness of space like a heartbeat. Its origin was unknown, its purpose unclear, but it held a strange familiarity, as if calling them home.
From something beyond his control, Izuku Midoriya was treated like a plague in the world
Having so much anger for the Heroes and the society who treat the innocents like shit attracted The Radio Demon, Alastor who offer Izuku powers and became a Powerful Overlord know as The Green Demon