In a dystopian future ruled by an iron fist, the lives of Friedrich Ivanov and Hadassa Hecht collide in a world of oppression and constant surveillance. Friedrich, a loyal Party member, rapidly rises through the ranks amidst brutality and repression, becoming known for his denunciations and ruthless torture methods. Bred to be a soldier of the system, his life is marked by acts of betrayal, including against his own family.
Hadassa, on the other hand, is a young proletarian who, despite hardships, maintains her faith and hope. Living in a precarious zone, she faces daily loss and violence, especially after the death of her brother Paul, an active rebel. Her life takes a drastic turn when she is caught reading a forbidden book and assigned to forced labor at Friedrich's house.
Through intense interactions and dialogues, Hadassa begins to challenge Friedrich's beliefs, planting seeds of doubt in his hardened heart. The psychological battle between them becomes a silent war of faith against indoctrination, where Hadassa tries to reclaim Friedrich's lost humanity, while he finds himself torn between loyalty to the Party and the new emotions Hadassa awakens.
New chapters every Thursday and Monday!
after a prank gone terribly wrong, hayden jones is sent across country to caldwell academy, a school for the bitchy, the dangerous and the rebellious.
and if that wasn't bad enough, it becomes much worse when hayden is accidentally put in the male dormitory, landing her in a room with the school's notorious heartbreaker, chase everett.
[not at all]