In a world filled with conflict, two girls, Violet and Ivory, discover a deep love for each other. They meet through Vander who thought it was a good idea to introduce fhe
To each other.
Ivory is a brave young woman who already knows the danger on the topside and having already contact with dangers that might will haunt her, while Violet her anger gets her into trouble many times, yet Ivory never left her.
As their relationship grows, they share laughter, dreams, and quiet moments even as the enforcers come to the door. But this life is unforgiving. One night, a sudden attack tears them apart, forcing them onto separate paths filled with fear and uncertainty.
With each girl facing her own battles - Ivory struggling to find safety and Zoe working to protect their community - they are continually haunted by memories of their love.
The world around them is dangerous, and each day is filled with challenges that test their strength.
"Love In The Line Of Fire" is a touching story about two heartbroken souls who face the harsh reality of conflict. It explores how love can bloom in the darkest of times, and highlights the struggles of those trying to hold onto hope when everything seems lost.