In a post-apocalyptic Earth where Atlantis rose after humanity's fall, the city thrives as a beacon of hope and mystery. Its heart lies in the Atlantean archives-living records of the gods' predictions-and in the care of a devoted priestess chosen to guard them. Around her neck rests a sacred pendant, blessed by the gods and bound to her very being, its purpose known only to the highest ranks of Atlantis. A cynical treasure hunter from a newly merged world within Atlantis lives by his own rules, far from the devotions of the priestess's sacred duty. But when his rugged charm and roguish wit draw him closer to her, their connection becomes more than an act-despite his ulterior motive. Secretly working for General Vael, the hunter has been tasked with stealing her pendant, believing it to be a source of immense power. Against his better judgment, he begins to care for the priestess, drawn to her unwavering faith and kindness. But loyalty to Vael-and his own survival-drives him to betray her trust. The moment he takes the pendant, the goddess-blessed relic reacts violently, nearly killing her and leaving him horrified by the consequences of his actions. Jailed for his treachery, the hunter watches as Vael seizes the true artifact he was after-the key to unlocking Atlantis's most dangerous secrets. Haunted by his feelings for the priestess and the pain he caused her, the treasure hunter must make a choice: redeem himself by stopping Vael, or let Atlantis-and the woman who changed him-fall to ruin. In a city built on divine prophecy, can love survive betrayal, or will it be the spark that destroys them all?All Rights Reserved
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